
quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

Levy põe o bumbum de fora entrega o ouro ao Finacial Times

via Maria Fernanda Arruda

Esquerda "out-of-date", ou eXquerda, ou sinistra (em português mesmo).

Ao "Financial Times", Joaquim Levy, Ministro da Fazenda e banqueiro do Bradesco, disse que o Brasil passa por um período de austeridade, incluindo a reforma "potencial e controversa" dos programas sociais. Ao se referir ao seguro desemprego, abono salarial e demais garantias trabalhistas, o Ministro do PT disse "is out-of-date", ou seja, que estão ultrapassados, obsoletos.

No fim da matéria, diz que o treinamento que teve na 'Escola de Chicago' (escola econômica neoliberal) foi muito bom.

(Na foto veja quadro com as mudanças nos direitos trabalhistas e previdenciarios)

Veja trechos da entrevista:

Brazil is in for a period of austerity and supply side reform, including the potentially controversial overhaul of social welfare programmes, such as unemployment benefits, according to Joaquim Levy, the new finance minister.

In addition, Mr Levy wants to see reform of government welfare programmes, arguing that the design of Brazil’s unemployment benefit schemes is “completely out of date”.

One of the first acts of President Dilma Rousseff on winning a second term last October was to cut some unemployment and pension benefits while state and municipal governments raised bus fare prices. In an effort to control inflation, the central bank also increased the benchmark Selic rate by 50 basis points to 12.25 per cent, a three-year high.

In last year’s presidential election, Ms Rousseff did little to prepare her supporters for a period of austerity and free-market reforms. Her finance minister has a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago, the intellectual home of Milton Friedman and a bastion of free-market economics. Asked about his academic training, Mr Levy smiles and says: “The training I got in Chicago was very good.”

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